Creating Your Vision

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" Albert Einstein

I feel that one of the most important ingredients in your formula for success is having a clearly defined and vivid vision of where you want to be. At first the “how” is not that important, you need to create a vision that gets you so excited that you develop the mentality that you will stop at nothing to get what you want. Many people first focus on the how than very quickly find themselves overwhelmed with too many details and just as quickly talk them selves out of pursuing their goals. You have to take a leap of faith and trust that the how will be shown to you as you go along. Do you remember the days as a kid with dreams of epic proportions? What happened those dreams? You got older and domesticated by a society that says that having those dreams is foolish. That’s nonsense, why wouldn’t you want to accomplish the things that even as a kid you knew would make you happy. I encourage you to dream like you once used to

“Shoot for the moon…even if you

Miss you’ll still be amongst them stars”- Beanie Sigel(rap artist)

One way I keep myself motivated and keep my vision alive is through my picture book. In my book I have everything that I want and every morning I look at it to remind me what I want in life. Go right now and get some magazines and cut out every picture of the things you want and places you want to visit, don’t be thinking if you can actually get those things now, dare to dream. Remember your mind thinks in pictures, look at your picture book until in becomes as vivid as possible in the theater of your mind. Your mind cant tell the difference between something you remember or something you experience in real time.

Visualization Exercises(meditation):

(Please read this whole section, I will explain why almost all self help fails to produce the results people want)

You can think of meditation as conscious sleeping. Just as you sleep to gain energy for your daily functioning, meditation is conscious sleeping that gives you all the energy(creative abilities) you need for what you intend to accomplish.

I also use lucid dreaming as another way to increase creativity, I will soon write a hub on lucid dreaming.(Lucid dreaming is when you actually become aware in your dream that you are dreaming, once properly trained you can control your dreams)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Genuine online jobs websites

Most of the jobs on these websites are, data entry, computers, web design, medical, accounting, writing, customer service and much more
1.) is an excellent website .They offer many telecommuting jobs in many different professions
such as writing, computers, medical, has become part of the site adding more great jobs. They have a forum to post complaints about jobs, which are not legitimate.
2.) -is excellent place for jobs .On the site are more links to job sites like wahm and
3.) is another great site. Many job current postings and opportunities.
4.) has are many quality jobs on this site.
5.) Not the best site but jobs are listed.
6.) this website had has few jobs and business posted.
7.) contains only business ideas and opportunities in sales such as cosmetics, jewelry, etc.
8.) Posts current freelance writing jobs.
9.) Website offers telecommuting positions, freelance work, classifieds and much more
10.)writersdigest - for those who love to write,this is the site.Many listings on where to become published from poetry to screenplays.


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Unknown said...

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